The brand new installation of a large Disabled Refuge System in the state of the art residential facility.
We used a hardwired, reliable and robust system that allows an almost ultimate expansion of the system and in full accordance with BS5839-9.
There are significant challenges in the design and installation of this system. These included:
The cable lengths and possible voltage drop to outstation locations
The capacity for outstations
To overcome the long cable length obstacle, a system with sufficient power and operating voltage range was chosen permitting a flexible approach to outstation locations.
The excellent system affords superior capacity for outstations and this flexibility means the scale of the building was not a problem.
As a result, the system provides a fully compliant and user friendly system putting the building management in control and the residents kept safe in the event of an evacuation.
If you have a similar project, design questions and maintenance enquiries please get in touch on 01257 463018 or email